Wild Goose is privately owned and operated by Greg Campbell and Darla Grant along the scenic lower Mountain Fork River in Southeast Oklahoma. The lower Mountain Fork River is a U.S. Corps of Engineers regulated stream. It is fed by lower levels of Broken Bow Lake, so the water is generally crystal clear and cold. The flow of the river is good even in the middle of summer to enhance the habitat for Rainbow and German Brown Trout which are stocked on a regular basis. The river is ideal for canoeing, kayaking, fishing and sightseeing. If you enjoy nature, you will love the Mountain Fork!
We offer two basic floats here at Wild Goose. The eight mile float begins at the re-regulation dam 3 miles north of the U.S. Highway 70 bridge. The first section of the river is a mixture of beautiful scenery and swift moving water. It features rapids with a Class 2+ rating, dependent upon the water level. The highlight of the trip is a three foot fall that spans the river, called Presbyterian Falls. The trip is truly for the adventurous. The eight mile trip continues past the U.S. 70 bridge for another five miles to the take-out ramp. The remaining five miles of the eight miles we offer as a second trip. This trip, though not as challenging as the first, is perfect for those who want a peaceful day on the river with a few rushing rapids thrown in for excitement. You can park your car at the landing and we’ll drop you off either at the re-regulation dam or at the bridge.
Please call for reservations.
466 Wild Goose Rd.
Broken Bow, OK 74728